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Question 1 of 5

Why does the student go to the employment office?

A. To get feedback from his previous supervisor

B. To try to have his work hours reduced

C. To find out about getting an on-campus job

D. To compare various job offers that he has received

我的答案 C 正确答案 C

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  • 本题对应音频:
    3 感谢 2 不懂
    题型分类: 细节题
    Yeah, I’m not exactly sure what career I’m headed for, but librarian is a possibility. It was a great experience to learn how it works and, and meet some people working in the field. But for this year...well, that’s what I wanted to ask about.
    选项分析:学生说:Yeah, um, I'm not exactly sure what career I'm headed for,学生不确定自己以后从事什么工作,but转折后学生说:But librarian …. But for this year, well, that's what I wanted to ask about,对于今年要做什么,学生很明确希望做图书馆工作,他是在找校内工作,对应选项C。

  • 题目讨论



<-NARRATOR:-> Listen to a conversation between a student and a university employee at the campus employment office.


<-FEMALE EMPLOYEE:->Hi, can I help you?


<-MALE STUDENT:->I hope so. [upspeak] My name's Mark Wickman. I'm...

学生:希望如此。我的名字叫Mark Wickman,我是......

<-FEMALE EMPLOYEE:->[kindly] Don't I remember you from last year? You worked in, uh, where was it? The art library?


<-MALE STUDENT:->[friendly] Yeah, you're good. That was me, and I really enjoyed the work.


<-FEMALE EMPLOYEE:->Right, yeah. Your supervisor gave us some really great feedback at the end of the year. [quoting] “Oh, he’s so organized, always on time, helpful...”


<-MALE STUDENT:->[modest] Really, well.. I'm glad. It was a good job.


<-FEMALE EMPLOYEE:->Well, we usually try to match student's jobs with their academic interests.


<-MALE STUDENT:->Yeah, um, I'm not exactly sure what career I'm headed for. But librarian is a possibility.It was a great experience to learn how it works and meet some people working in the field. But for this year, well, that's what I wanted to ask about.


<-FEMALE EMPLOYEE:->[surprised, troubled] Oh, how come you waited so long to come in?You know how fast campus jobs fill up. If you'd come in earlier, you could probably have gotten the library job again.I mean, since you have the experience from last year, you don't need the training and all. But it's been filled now.


<-MALE STUDENT:->Yeah, I know.But I plan to get a job working at a restaurant off campus this year.I really need to make more money than I did last year, and working as a waiter, there's always the tips.[shrugs] But I've tried a ton of places and I haven't found anything.[hesitant] I know it's really late, but, well, um, I was wondering if maybe there was some job that hadn't been taken or maybe someone started a job,and you know, had to drop it or something.


<-FEMALE EMPLOYEE:->Well, I doubt you'll find anything.


<-MALE STUDENT:->Could you, could you possibly check?I know it's a long shot but …my friend Susanne, she takes photography classes in Harrison Hall and...um...she sort of thought there might be an opening in the janitorial staff.


<-FEMALE EMPLOYEE:->Urn, why does your friend, the photography student, think she has information about a janitorial staff opening?I'm pretty sure those jobs are filled. In fact, I remember taking lots of applications for them, but let me double check it online.


<-MALE STUDENT:->She said the whole studio arts building and especially the photo lab have been kind of, uh, sort of messy lately,I mean, she says there's...uh...chemicals and stuff left out, and you know, it's like no one's been cleaning up.[Quickly] Oh, but that could just be, you know, students using the lab after hours or something, like after it's been cleaned.


<-FEMALE EMPLOYEE:->[Still checking the computer] Hmm…hang on. There’s…uh…there is um… an asterisk gap…uh, next to one of the job numbers here. There's a note.Let's see... [Reads for a moment ] Ha, your friend's right.Seems like one of the student janitors quit a couple of weeks ago for some reason.Well, whatever, it looks like this is your lucky day.


<-MALE STUDENT:->Wow! That is so great. So who's the contact person?


<-FEMALE EMPLOYEE:->Check with the janitorial office.


<-MALE STUDENT:->Fine. Thanks so much.
