Though most of us own laptop computers, we are currently not allowed to use them during class. I think this policy should be changed. Since most of us type faster than we write by hand, taking notes on a computer would be quicker and easier, so we could pay more attention to professors’ lectures. Also, since laptop computers have Internet access, professors could direct students to view Web sites with useful information while lectures are going on. They could look up useful facts and background information on a topic or view different photographs or illustrations of something the professor is describing. This would help students gain a more complete understanding of lecture topics.
Jodie Smith
<-NARRATOR:-> Now listen to two students discussing the letter.
<-FEMALE STUDENT:-> Did you see this letter in the paper?
<-MALE STUDENT:-> Yeah. But I don't think it's a good idea.
<-FEMALE STUDENT:-> Why not?
<-MALE STUDENT:-> 'Cause I think students would pay even less attention to the professor, not more. I think they'd be too much of a distraction.
<-MALE STUDENT:-> Well, maybe some students would actually use laptops to take notes-
<-FEMALE STUDENT:-> I would.
<-MALE STUDENT:-> OK, you would... But a lot of people... most people... would be too busy playing around with them instead.
You know, surfing the Internet, e-mailing friends, playing computer games, that kind of stuff.
<-FEMALE STUDENT:-> Huh. So you really think they'd pay less attention?
<-MALE STUDENT:-> Yeah, really, I think that's what'd happen.
<-FEMALE STUDENT:-> Alright, but what about her second point?
Don't you think if students had 'em in class, professors would be able to use the Internet as a teaching tool?
<-MALE STUDENT:-> The problem with that is not everyone has a laptop computer-only some people have one.
<-MALE STUDENT:-> So you see, not everyone would be able to follow along.
It wouldn't be useful as a teaching tool if only some students could follow along but not others.
<-FEMALE STUDENT:-> I see what you mean.
The man expresses his opinion of the proposal the student makes in the letter. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
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