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Question 4 of 5

What point about the viceroy butterfly is emphasized in the conversation?

. The type of mimicry it exhibits is very rare.

. The type of mimicry it exhibits was classified incorrectly in the past.

. Its use of mimicry has enabled it to prey on other species of insects.

. Its use of mimicry has not helped it defend itself against certain species of birds.

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    【题型】细节题(根据What point about... 判断)

    【思路分析】问关于viceroy butterfly说了什么,考查具体细节信息,定位到对应位置后,一一核对选项内容,对应好同义替换即可


    (professor) We did discuss that in class, how predators avoid the Monarch because it's toxic, and the Viceroy color resembles the Monarch’s. But you remember how we said the Viceroy is not the best example of Batesian mimicry.

    (female student) Um…

    (professor) In the 1990s, researchers show that the Viceroy should be classified as a Mullerian mimic.

    (female student) Yeah. Here it is, Mullerian mimicry.

    (professor) Mullerian mimicry is when two species, each of which is toxic, resemble each other.

    (female student) Yeah, I totally forgot. The researchers, they conducted a study and found that the Viceroy is also toxic. So, Monarchs and Viceroys, they increase each other's protection from predators. 


    A ×: 这种拟态非常罕见,未提及

    B ✔️: 在学生举例说完Viceroy后,教授转折指出这不是Batesian mimicry(无毒的模仿有毒的)的好例子,其实应该归类到Mullerian mimicry(有毒的模仿有毒的),因为Monarch和Viceroy都是有毒的,对应B选项(过去该分类不正确)

    C ×: 该蝴蝶的拟态使其能捕捉到其他种类的昆虫,未提及

    D ×: 该蝴蝶的拟态没有帮到它抵御某种鸟类,与原文不符,原文说了会增强防御


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Listen to a conversation between a student and her biology professor.(professor) So, Susan, what's on your mind?(female student) Well, I got back my paper yesterday. You know, the first essay you assigned.(professor) Yes.(female student) I noticed that, well, you lowered my grade.(professor) That's because you submitted it late.(female student) But I turned it in on the due date. I slipped it under your office door that afternoon.(professor) If you read the syllabus closely, you'll see that you're expected to submit the assignments on the due date during class.(female student) Oh. I guess…(professor) We're still early in the semester. There's plenty of chances to excel in other assignments, like the oral presentations the class will be giving next month. From the outline you submitted, it looks like yours will be quite good.(female student) I've really enjoyed class recently and when we discussed mimicry, well, I thought what a great topic for my oral report, especially the part on…Here I wrote it down. Yeah, Batesian mimicry. So, Batesian mimicry, we said that's when a non-poisonous animal mimics, copies a poisonous animal in some way, say to trick a predator like how a non-poisonous butterfly might have the same color as a poisonous one.(professor) Right. We discussed many examples…(female student) like the Viceroy Butterfly. I'm gonna put that example in my talk about how the Viceroy Butterfly mimics the Monarch Butterfly.The Monarch really is poisonous to keep predators from eating it. And the orange color of the Viceroy's wing looks just like the Monarch’s.(professor) We did discuss that in class, how predators avoid the Monarch because it's toxic, and the Viceroy color resembles the Monarch’s.But you remember how we said the Viceroy is not the best example of Batesian mimicry.(female student) Um…(professor) In the 1990s, researchers show that the Viceroy should be classified as a Mullerian mimic.(female student) Yeah. Here it is, Mullerian mimicry.(professor) Mullerian mimicry is when two species, each of which is toxic, resemble each other.(female student) Yeah, I totally forgot. The researchers, they conducted a study and found that the Viceroy is also toxic. So, Monarchs and Viceroys, they increase each other's protection from predators.(professor) Exactly, sounds as though you've got the makings for a good talk.(female student) Thanks. You know, this stuff is so neat. I'd like to learn more about it. I was thinking for my final paper, the research paper at the end of the semester. Maybe I could go deeper into all that.(professor) Well, that kind of research is reported mostly in technical journals. It's okay for next month's oral presentation, which can just summarize the results.But for a 10-page final paper, why don't you hold off on picking a topic until after the oral presentations? We'll be covering some fascinating material in the meantime.