Official 08 听力检测

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Question 1 of 5

Why does the man go to see the registrar?

A. To find out why he is not on the list of graduating students

B. To explain why he has not fulfilled his graduation requirements

C. To find out the exact requirements for graduation

D. To submit a document required for graduation

我的答案 - 正确答案 D

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    15 感谢 4 不懂

    原文定位:StudentHi, I’d like to drop of my graduation form; I understand you need this in order to process my diploma.
    对话开始的第一句 student 明确表明是来交 graduation form的,submit 和 drop off 是同义替换,D选项正确。

  • 题目讨论



<-NARRATOR:->Listen to a conversation between a student and a registrar.


<-MALE STUDENT:->Hi, I'd like to drop off my graduation form. I understand you need this in order to process my diploma.


<-FEMALE REGISTRAR:->Ok, I will take that. Before you leave, let me check our computer.Looks like you are OK for graduation [trailing off] and…hmmmm. Actually, I am getting a warning flag on your academic record here.


<-MALE STUDENT:->Really?


<-FEMALE REGISTRAR:->Yeah. Let's see what's what. [pauses] Uh, OK, are you familiar with our graduation requirements?


<-MALE STUDENT:->Um, I think so.


<-FEMALE REGISTRAR:->Well, then you know you need 48 credits in your major field to graduate and at least 24 credits in the intermediate level or higher.Also, after your second year, you have to meet with your department chair to outline a plan for the rest of your time here.In the past, we also issue letters before a student’s final year began to let them know what they needed to take in the final year to be OK, but we don't do that anymore.

教务主任:那么你就知道你需要在你的专业领域获得48 个学分以及中等及更高水平课程的至少24 个学分。而且,大二以后,你还需要见你的系主任来为剩下的时间做计划大纲。以前,我们还在学生大四的时候发信告知他们需要上什么样的课程,但是现在我们不这么做了。

<-MALE STUDENT:->I definitely met with my chair person two years ago.He told me that I need 8 more courses at the intermediate level or higher in the last two years to be OK.So I am not sure what the problem is. I make sure I got those credits.

学生:我两年前绝对是见了我们的系主任了。他告诉我说我在接下来的两年里需要上8 个中等或以上水平的课程。所以我就不知道问题在哪了。我确定我得到了这些学分。

<-FEMALE REGISTRAR:->Unfortunately, the computer is usually pretty reliable… so I’m not sure what’s going on here.


<-MALE STUDENT:->It could be that I have taken two basic courses but coupled both of them with a field experiences.

学生:可能是我上了2 个基础课程,但是这两个都带有相应的实习工作。

<-FEMALE REGISTRAR:->What do you mean?


<-MALE STUDENT:->Well, I could only take intro courses because there were no intermediate level courses available for those particular topics.My chairperson told me that if I did the independent field research in addition to the assigned work in each course, they would count as intermediate-level courses.My classmates, some of my classmates, did this for an easy way to meet their intermediate course requirement, but I did it to get the kind of depth in those topics I was going for.As it turned out I really enjoyed the field work, it was a nice supplement to just sitting and listening to lectures.


<-FEMALE REGISTRAR:->I am sure that's true, but the computer is still showing them as basic level courses despite the field work.


<-MALE STUDENT:->I am not sure what to do then, I mean, should I cancel my graduation party?


<-FEMALE REGISTRAR:->No, no reason to get worried like that, just contact your chair person immediately, OK?Tell him to call me as soon as possible so that we can verify your field work arrangement and certify those credits right away.It's not like there is an actual deadline to date or anything.But if more than a few weeks go by, we might have a real problem that would be very difficult to fix in time for you to graduate.In fact, there probably would be nothing we could do.<-MALE STUDENT:->I will get on that.
