When a student engages in disruptive behavior in the classroom, it negatively impacts both the teacher's ability to teach and other students' ability to learn. One way a teacher can correct disruptive behavior is by questioning awareness of effect. With this technique, when a student disrupts the class, the teacher asks the student a question that draws attention to the negative effect of the student's behavior. The teacher then does not wait for an answer, but immediately continues teaching. By thus simply drawing attention to the effect of the student's behavior, the teacher can often lead the student to discontinue the behavior.
<-NARRATOR:-> Now listen to part of a lecture in an education class.
<-MALE PROFESSOR:-> So, I used to teach a class of eight year olds. ... And one problem I sometimes had was getting the kids to raise their hands when they wanted to answer a question—
like lots of teachers, I had the rule that if a student wanted to answer a question,
they needed to raise their hand in the air and wait till I called their name, before speaking.
That gave all the students a chance to participate,
which helped everyone get more out of the discussion.
But some kids had trouble following the rule.
I remember there was one girl,
Sarah, who didn't raise her hand when she wanted to answer a question;
she would just call out the answer.
And this was frustrating for the other children who were waiting patiently with their hands raised.
So one day when Sarah called out,
I asked her if she knew that calling out was unfair to the other students.
I said to her,
[gently] "Sarah, do you realize that when you call out answers without raising your hand,
you're not being fair to the other students,
you're not giving them a chance to answer questions, too?"
And I didn't wait for her to answer, I just continued teaching the class.
And after that, anytime I asked the class a question,
Sarah didn't call out the answer;
she raised her hand along with everyone else.
Explain how the example from the lecture illustrates the technique of questioning awareness of effect.