No More Evening Classes?


No More Evening Classes?

The administration has announced that starting next fall, the university will stop offering evening classes in many departments. According to a university administrator, the decision was prompted by a steady decline in enrollments in evening classes. "Evening classes are just too small," the administrator said. When asked to explain the decline in enrollments, the administrator pointed to the fact that most evening classes are taught by teaching assistants, who are usually graduate students. "Surveys show that students prefer to take classes taught by experienced faculty members," the spokesperson said, "probably because they simply know more than graduate teaching assistants do."

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    <-NARRATOR:-> Now listen to two students discussing the article.
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> I just don't know about this decision.
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> It sort of makes sense to me.
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> Not to me. I don't understand their reasoning.
    I mean, what's wrong with small classes? I think that's what students actually prefer.
    And it's easy to see why.
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> [Concessively]Yeah, you do get to participate more.
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> Definitely. You can be more actively involved...get more attention and support.
    It's just a better way to learn.
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> OK, but there is that survey...
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> I don't know what students they asked, but I know a lot of people who feel just the opposite.
    I mean, what does "experienced" mean, anyway?
    Sometimes it means you've been teaching the same subject for 20 years and you're probably tired of it by now and maybe not very enthusiastic.
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> Yeah, that does happen.
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> Whereas if it's the first time or maybe second you're teaching a class, well, it's going to be more exciting to you, and you're going to communicate that excitement to the people you're teaching.
    At least, that's how I see it.


The man disagrees with the decision announced in the student newspaper. Explain why the university made the decision and why the man disagrees with it.

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