Official 53 Set 4

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Advice For Cafeteria

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What are the speakers mainly discussing?
  • A. The man’s recent promotion to cafeteria manager

  • B. The agenda for an upcoming committee meeting

  • C. Ways to improve the food service in the cafeteria

  • D. Recent changes to the cafeteria’s menu

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    NARRATOR: Listen to a conversation between a student and the cafeteria manager.

    MALE MANAGER: Oh, hi, uh, you’re Amy, right?FEMALE STUDENT: Yes.MALE MANAGER: I haven’t seen you here for a while. Welcome back.FEMALE STUDENT: Thanks, er, you’re right, I haven’t been eating here regularly like I used to.

    MALE MANAGER: Why not?FEMALE STUDENT: Couple of reasons. First of all, I have a class that ends during lunchtime. So, by the time I get here, there’s hardly any food left.

    MALE MANAGER: Really?FEMALE STUDENT: Yeah. And then, I have chemistry lab at night this semester.It’s two hours every Tuesday and Thursday.Y’know, that building’s way across campus. So I just eat something in my dorm before I leave, or skip dinner altogether.I come here afterward, but lab lets out at seven-thirty then the cafeteria’s already closed.

    MALE MANAGER: Oh, I’m really sorry. Well, what about getting something to go and eating it in class?FEMALE STUDENT: I can’t. Food isn’t permitted anywhere near the laboratories. I wish you stayed open later.

    MALE MANAGER: Have you complained formally? We’ve always had a suggestion box. And now, you can send us an e-mail.FEMALE STUDENT: As a matter of fact, I did fill out a suggestion card. I asked for longer hours and for better food choices, too.But that was like weeks ago. And nothing’s changed from what I can see.

    MALE MANAGER: You know, I was just promoted to cafeteria manager, and one of the things I’m trying to do is pay more attention to students’ concerns.There have been a lot of complaints similar to yours over the years.FEMALE STUDENT: Yeah. A lot of my friends complain about the cafeteria, but we figure nothing will ever be done.

    MALE MANAGER: Well, some things can change. For instance, you mentioned you’d like better food choices.Is there anything in particular you’d like added to our menu?

    FEMALE STUDENT:Hmm, I guess it’d be nice to get hot cereal in the morning,and maybe a wider choice of soups and salads at lunch and dinner. And, there should definitely be enough food to feed everyone whenever the cafeteria’s open.

    MALE MANAGER: Hmmm. All good suggestions. Say, were you aware that the university has recently formed a food advisory committee?It includes myself, a nutritionist, the school chef, a food-science professor, and the person who oversees the cafeteria budget.

    FEMALE STUDENT: Do you want me to talk to the committee?MALE MANAGER: I was thinking you might like to serve on the committee. If you’re interested, I’ll recommend you as the student representative.

    FEMALE STUDENT: Ohhhh, I’m not so sure if I have enough spare time to get that involved.MALE MANAGER: OK, then, why don’t I let you know when and where our next meeting is, and we’ll put you on the agenda?You may also want to send me an e-mail with all of your suggestions. Now that I’m in charge, I’ll make sure they’ll get serious consideration.FEMALE STUDENT: I’d appreciate that. Thanks!

  • 请听一段学生和餐厅经理的谈话。









    经理: 都是好建议。你知道学校最近成立了一个食品咨询委员会吗?委员会成员包括我本人,一名营养学家,学校主厨,一位食品科学教授和一个负责食堂预算的人



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    MALE MANAGER:I haven’t seen you here for a while. Welcome back.

    MALE MANAGER:Why not?

    FEMALE STUDENT:Couple of reasons. First of all, I have a class that ends during lunchtime. So, by the time I get here, there’s hardly any food left.






Advice For Cafeteria



