Official 18 Set 1

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Apply for a part-time job on campus

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What can be inferred about students who apply for the open position at the technology-support helpdesk?
  • A. They must be enrolled in a computer course.

  • B. They will only be able to work on weekends.

  • C. They are willing to work many hours each day they work.

  • D. They are willing to work irregular hours.

显示答案 正确答案: D

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    NARRATOR:Listen to a conversation between a student and an administrator in the university employment office.

    MALE STUDENT:Hi, I hope you can help me. I just transferred from Northeastern State University, near Chicago …

    FEMALE ADMINISTRATOR:Well, welcome to Central University.But Chicago’s such a great city, why did you leave?

    MALE STUDENT:Everyone asks that…it’s my hometown, and it was sure convenient to go to a school near by.But Northeastern is still fairly small, and it doesn’t have the program I’m interested in… I want to major in international studies and the only program in the state is here.

    FEMALE ADMINISTRATOR:We do have a great program. How did you get interested in international studies?

    MALE STUDENT:My family hosted a few foreign-exchange students while I was growing up… then I took part in an international summer program after I graduated from high school.I found I really like meeting people from all over, getting to know them…

    FEMALE ADMINISTRATOR:Oh, OK. And that led you to our program. Right now, though, I assume you’re looking for a job.

    MALE STUDENT:Yeah, a part-time job on campus… I thought I’d save money, being away from the big city… but it doesn’t seem to be working that way.Anyway, I’m not having much luck.

    FEMALE ADMINISTRATOR:I’m not surprised. Most of our campus jobs are taken in the first week or two of the semester.What work experience have you had?

    MALE STUDENT:Well, I worked in the university library last year.But I already checked at the library here… they said their remaining positions were for work-study students getting financial aid.I’ve never run into that before.

    Well, I guess each school has its own policies.We really don’t have much right now.You might be better off waiting until next semester … if you really want something …How are your computer skills?

    About average, I’d say.I helped teach some of the basic computer classes Northeastern offers for new users, if that helps any.

    OK…Uh, the technology support department needs people to work at its helpdesk.It’s basically a customer-service job… answering questions, helping people solve their computer problems… give you a chance to develop your people skills.

    Something every diplomat needs.But, is there some problem? I mean, why’s the job still open?

    Well, they have extended hours … from 6 A.M. to 2 A.M. every day, so they need a large staff.But right now they only need people early mornings, late nights, and weekends.You’d probably end up with a bit of everything rather than a regular spot.On the bright side, you’d probably be able to get some studying done between calls.At least it’d be a start and then you can try for better hours next semester.

    Hmm, I see where the hours might be a problem.But…I guess I can’t afford to be too picky if I want a job.Still, maybe we can work something out.

  • 旁白:听一段学校雇员室中学生和管理人员间的对话。
















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    题干分析:infer推断题根据helpdeskapply for the position定位原文

    音频定位:You’d probably end up with a bit of everything rather than a regular spot.

    选项分析:学生好奇为什么tech-support的工作还有呢? early mornings, late nights许多时间段也能推断出工作时间不规律所以选D





Apply for a part-time job on campus



