Official 54 Set 1

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Finding Historical Material

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  • Q5
Why does the man go to see the woman?
  • A. To ask the woman if she has photographs of local businesses

  • B. To conduct research for a history class

  • C. To try to find a gift for his grandparents

  • D. To find out how long a local restaurant has been in business

显示答案 正确答案: C
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    NARRATOR: Listen to a conversation between a student and an employee in the university’s historical library.

    FEMALE EMPLOYEE:Morning! What can I help you find?MALE STUDENT: Well, I saw on the Internet that the university library has menus and things from local restaurants— like The Springfield Eatery?

    <-FEMALE EMPLOYEE:->Right. A lot of local businesses have donated materials to our collection, including that restaurant.I’m pretty sure we have, uh, ten or fifteen boxes of materials from there.

    MALE STUDENT: Good. I thought you were located in the main library, so I went there first and they sent me here.I hadn’t realized the university had a separate historical library.I think what you’re doing is great—collecting local documents and photos—keeping a record of the region.

    FEMALE EMPLOYEE:I’m glad you see the value in it. We’ve been collecting materials for going on seventy years now.Last year we had an exhibition that showcased how the town square has changed over the past 50 years.So that got the word out a little...but you’re right—a lot of students don’t know we exist.Well, unless they’re majoring in history. So, you’re looking for something for a class?

    MALE STUDENT: Not exactly. My grandmother went to this university, and while she was here, she worked as a waitress.FEMALE EMPLOYEE:At The Springfield Eatery.

    MALE STUDENT: Yes, and that’s where she met my grandfather!So, they’re celebrating their fiftieth anniversary this year, and I noticed online that you have old menus from some of the restaurants.I was thinking I could find one from the year they met and frame a copy for them.FEMALE EMPLOYEE:What a unique idea! What year are you looking for?MALE STUDENT: Uh, 1954.

    FEMALE EMPLOYEE:I know we have a few menus from the 1950s, but you’ll have to check...there are some gaps…some years we didn’t receive any new materials, and sometimes restaurants go a while without changing their menus...MALE STUDENT: Oh no! I really wanted to give them something special.

    FEMALE EMPLOYEE:Well… how about this: We also have a lot of photos, so maybe you could find one of your grandmother—or maybe even one with both of your grandparents.MALE STUDENT: That’d be awesome!

    <-FEMALE EMPLOYEE:->The only thing is, most of our materials are still in boxes—no one’s ever taken the time to organize them, so it-it might require a fair amount of sifting.MALE STUDENT: Hmm…I have a couple of tests coming up, but I can take a quick look, if that’s OK.I know some libraries have special rules for handling delicate or old materials.

    FEMALE EMPLOYEE:Well, these aren’t particularly old. Just the usual rules apply…no food or drinks.MALE STUDENT: OK. Thanks for your help!

  • 请听一段学生和大学历史图书馆雇员之间的对话。








    雇员: 呃,这个怎么样?我们也有很多的图片,所以有可能你能发现一张关于你奶奶的照片,或者甚至可能发现一张关于你爷爷奶奶两个人的照片。学生:那样好极了。



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    FEMALE EMPLOYEE:So, you’re looking for something for a class?

    MALE STUDENT:Not exactly. My grandmother went to this university, and while she was here, she worked as a waitress.

    FEMALE EMPLOYEE:At The Springfield Eatery.

    MALE STUDENT:Yes, and that’s where she met my grandfather! So, they’re celebrating their fiftieth anniversary this year, and I noticed online that you have old menus from some of the restaurants.  I was thinking I could find one from the year they met and frame a copy for them.

    选项分析: 当女图书管理员问男同学的目的:是为班级课程找材料吗?(you’re looking for something for a class?)男同学马上否定(Not exactly,然后说自己的祖母在本校上学,作为女招待工作过,在这里遇到祖父,如今在庆祝结婚50周年。听说图书馆收藏了一些餐馆的菜谱,就希望来找一本复印。可知C选项最准确,试着为祖父母寻找礼物。






Finding Historical Material





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