Official 47 Set 1

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Background Knowledge of a Concert

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What does the woman imply about the members of the orchestra?
Click on 2 answers
  • A. They might know more about the history of Appalachian music than she does.

  • B. They will teach the student to play the banjo.

  • C. They are all music majors.

  • D. Some of them have lived in the Appalachian Mountains.

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    NARRATOR:Listen to a conversation between a student and a music director.

    MALE STUDENT:Miss Harper?

    FEMALE DIRECTOR:Yes, can I help you?

    MALE STUDENT:Hi, my name's Eric Paterson. I'm a journalism student. I wanted to ask you about the orchestra.

    FEMALE DIRECTOR:[interrupting, sympathetic] I' m sorry, Eric. But the orchestra is only open to music majors.

    MALE STUDENT:[taken aback] Really? Well, see—

    FEMALE DIRECTOR:But the policy is changing next year. After that, if you've taken three music courses, you will be able to audition.

    MALE STUDENT:Well, I have taken some music courses and I do play the double bass, so maybe that's something to think about. But actually, I was here about something else.

    FEMALE DIRECTOR:Oh, sorry! It’s just I... I get that question all the time, so…

    MALE STUDENT:That's okay. Thing is, I work for Magna—[upspeak] the school paper—and I am reporting on last week's concert.Now, I went to it, and I really enjoyed it, but now I'm looking for some background knowledge.

    FEMALE DIRECTOR:Well, I can refer you to some of the students in the orchestra if you'd like a young musician's point of view.

    MALE STUDENT:[hesitant, negative] Uh...l guess that might be helpful. am really looking for a little bit of scholarly perspective.Some history of the music that was performed that evening, where it originated, how it's developed over time.

    FEMALE DIRECTOR:Well, some of our musicians kind of specialize in Appalachian music.In fact, that's part of the reason we performed it. So you really should talk to them, too.[shifting gears] um, Okay, so we were playing Appalachian music from communities in the Appalachian Mountain regions of the United States.

    MALE STUDENT:[thinking] All right.

    FEMALE DIRECTOR:[friendly but doubtful, clearly suggesting that he take notes] Uh...Do you really think you can keep this all in your head?

    MALE STUDENT:[slight chuckle]Oh. Don’t worry.All I need are a few key facts. I'm sure I can keep them straight until I get back to my dorm.

    FEMALE DIRECTOR:So. The music is generally based on folk ballads and instrumental dance tunes. It started with Scottish and Irish immigrants who brought over their styles of music.It's called [slowly] Anglo-Celtic.

    MALE STUDENT:So, people brought their musical traditions with them.

    FEMALE DIRECTOR:Well, this Anglo-Celtic music was considered an important link to the past for these people, which you can see in the way that Appalachian singers sing ballads.They have sort of a nasal quality to them, like in Celtic ballads.In their new land, some of the lyrics were updated, you know, to refer the new locations, and the occupations that settlers had in America.But at the same time, lots of ballads were still about castles and royalty, lords and ladies, stuff like that, which is what they were about originally.

    MALE STUDENT:OK, and was that some sort of banjo I saw on stage during the performance?

    FEMALE DIRECTOR:Yes, we are lucky that one of our students, Stewart Telford, has a nineteenth-century banjo—a real antique.He's able to play in most of the traditional styles.

    Did you know that banjos are of African American origin, and that settlers in Appalachia adopted banjos for their folk music?They became very common in traditional Appalachian music, along with guitars and violins, of course.But if you want to learn about that banjo, talk to Stewart.

    MALE STUDENT:That's great, Miss Harper. Thanks a lot.Now, can you recommend any sources where I could look up more about this?FEMALE DIRECTOR:Sure, I have a great book. A student has it today, but you can borrow it tomorrow if you'd like.

  • 旁白:请听一个学生和一位音乐指导之间的对话。



    学生:你好,我叫Eric Paterson,我是新闻系的学生,我想向您了解一下管弦乐队......

















    指导员:是的,我们很幸运有个学生Stewart Telford有一架19世纪的班卓琴,真正的古董。他能用大部分传统风格演奏它。



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  • 本题对应音频:
    4 感谢 不懂
    题型分类: 推断题
    题干分析: 女老师关于乐队成员的暗示
    [interrupting, sympathetic] I’m sorry Eric, but the orchestra is only open to music majors.

    Yes, we’re lucky that one of our students, Stewart Telford, has a nineteenth-century banjo—a real antique. He’s able to play in most of the traditional styles. Did you know that banjos are of African American origin, and that settlers in Appalachia adopted banjos for their folk music? They became very common in traditional Appalachian music, along with guitars and violins, of course…. But if you want to learn about that banjo, talk to Stewart.

    在定位点1之前,学生说:I wanted to ask you about the orchestra,老师在定位点回应说:I'm sorry, Eric. But the orchestra is only open to music majors,说明管弦乐队都是音乐专业学生,对应选项C;
    在定位点2之前,老师和学生讨论乐队表演的Appalachian music, 在定位点,老师和学生讨论Appalachian music的一个特色乐器,banjo,老师说学生Stewart的特殊才能。老师甚至 说:But if you want to learn about that banjo, talk to Stewart,说明她认为Stewart知道的比自己多,对应选项A中…know more…Appalachian music than she does。





Background Knowledge of a Concert



