Listen to part of a lecture in a philosophy class.
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OK. Another ancient Greek philosopher we need to discuss is Aristotle - Aristotle's ethical theory.
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What Aristotle's ethical theory is all about is this: he's trying to show you how to be happy - what true happiness is.
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Now, why is he interested in human happiness? It's not just because it's something that all people want or aim for. It's more than that.
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But to get there we need to first make a very important distinction.
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Let me introduce a couple of technical terms: extrinsic value and intrinsic value.
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To understand Aristotle's interest in happiness, you need to understand this distinction.
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Some things we aim for and value, not for themselves but for what they bring about in addition to themselves.
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If I value something as a means to something else, then it has what we will call [read slowly] “extrinsic value.”
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Other things we desire and hold to be valuable for themselves alone.
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If we value something not as a means to something else, but for its own sake, let us say that it has [read slowly] “intrinsic value.”
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Exercise. There may be some people who value exercise for itself, but I don't, I value exercise because if I exercise, I tend to stay healthier than I would if I didn't.
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So I desire to engage in exercise and I value exercise extrinsically... not for its own sake, but as a means to something beyond it.
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It brings me good health.
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Health. Why do I value good health? Well, here it gets a little more complicated for me.
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Um, health is important for me because I can't... do other things I want to do - play music, teach philosophy - if I'm ill.
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So health is important to me - has value to me - as a means to a productive life.
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But health is also important to me because I just kind of like to be healthy - it feels good. It's pleasant to be healthy, unpleasant not to be.
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So to some degree I value health both for itself and as a means to something else: productivity.
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It's got extrinsic and intrinsic value for me.
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Then there's some things that are just valued for themselves.
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I'm a musician, not a professional musician; I just play a musical instrument for fun.
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Why do I value playing music? Well, like most amateur musicians, I only play because, well, I just enjoy it. It's something that's an end in itself.
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Now, something else I value is teaching.
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Why? Well, it brings in a modest income, but I could make more money doing other things.
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I'd do it even if they didn't pay me. I just enjoy teaching. In that sense it's an end to itself.
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But teaching's not something that has intrinsic value for all people - and that's true generally.
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Most things that are enjoyed in and of themselves vary from person to person.
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Some people value teaching intrinsically, but others don't.
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So how does all this relate to human happiness?
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Well, Aristotle asks: is there something that all human beings value... and value only intrinsically, for its own sake and only for its own sake?
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If you could find such a thing, that would be the universal final good, or truly the ultimate purpose or goal for all human beings.
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Aristotle thought the answer was yes.
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What is it? Happiness.
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Everyone will agree, he argues, that happiness is the ultimate end...to be valued for itself and really only for itself. [rhetorical question]
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For what other purpose is there in being happy? [rhetorical question, with implicit answer being nothing’] What does it yield? [conclusion, not an answer to previous questons]
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The attainment of happiness becomes the ultimate or highest good for Aristotle.
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The next question that Aristotle raises is: what is happiness?
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We all want it; we all desire it; we all seek it. It's the goal we have in life. But what is it? How do we find it?
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Here he notes, with some frustration, people disagree.
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But he does give us a couple of criteria, or features, to keep in mind as we look for what true human happiness is.
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True human happiness should be, as he puts it, complete.
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Complete in that it's all we require. Well, true human happiness... if you had that, what else do you need? Nothing.
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And, second, true happiness should be something that I can obtain on my own. I shouldn't have to rely on other people for it.
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Many people value fame and seek fame. Fame for them becomes the goal.
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But, according to Aristotle, this won't work either, because fame depends altogether too much on other people.
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I can't get it on my own, without help from other people.
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In the end, Aristotle says that true happiness is the exercise of reason - life of intellectual contemplation... of thinking.
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So let's see how he comes to that.
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显示译文 -显示原文 =NARRATOR:
Listen to part of a lecture in a philosophy class.
点击显示原文 =旁白:听一段哲学课堂的讲座。 -
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OK. Another ancient Greek philosopher we need to discuss is Aristotle - Aristotle's ethical theory.
点击显示原文 =教授:我们需要讨论的另外一个古希腊哲学家是亚里士多德--亚里士多德的伦理学说。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =What Aristotle's ethical theory is all about is this: he's trying to show you how to be happy - what true happiness is.
点击显示原文 =亚里士多德的伦理学说主要讲的是:他试着让你了解如何变得幸福快乐--什么是真正的幸福快乐。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Now, why is he interested in human happiness? It's not just because it's something that all people want or aim for. It's more than that.
点击显示原文 =然而,他为什么对人类的幸福感兴趣?并不只是因为幸福快乐是大家所追求的。不仅仅是这样。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =But to get there we need to first make a very important distinction.
点击显示原文 =而且为了能幸福快乐,我们首先得做出一个重要的区分。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Let me introduce a couple of technical terms: extrinsic value and intrinsic value.
点击显示原文 =我先导入两个专业术语:外在价值和内在价值。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =To understand Aristotle's interest in happiness, you need to understand this distinction.
点击显示原文 =要想了解亚里士多德为什么对幸福快乐感兴趣,你得先会区分这两个术语。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Some things we aim for and value, not for themselves but for what they bring about in addition to themselves.
点击显示原文 =我们追寻和看重的事物,不是该事物本身,而是由它带来的附加价值。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =If I value something as a means to something else, then it has what we will call [read slowly] “extrinsic value.”
点击显示原文 =如果我将一个事物看成是获得另一个事物的途径,那么这个事物拥有我们说的“外在价值”。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Other things we desire and hold to be valuable for themselves alone.
点击显示原文 =而其他事物,我们渴望得到或拥有就其本身而言有价值。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =If we value something not as a means to something else, but for its own sake, let us say that it has [read slowly] “intrinsic value.”
点击显示原文 =如果我们不将一个事物看成是获得另外一个事物的途径,而只是为了得到该事物本身,我们可以说它拥有“内在价值”。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Exercise. There may be some people who value exercise for itself, but I don't, I value exercise because if I exercise, I tend to stay healthier than I would if I didn't.
点击显示原文 =拿锻炼来说,或许有一些人看重的是锻炼本身,但我不这么想。我之所以看好锻炼是因为如果我锻炼,我就会比自己不锻炼更健康。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =So I desire to engage in exercise and I value exercise extrinsically... not for its own sake, but as a means to something beyond it.
点击显示原文 =所以我想要参加锻炼,认为锻炼有外在价值。显然,我并不是为了锻炼而锻炼,而是将其看成是我达成其背后价值的一种途径。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =It brings me good health.
点击显示原文 =锻炼能让我身体健康 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Health. Why do I value good health? Well, here it gets a little more complicated for me.
点击显示原文 =又比如说健康,我为什么珍视健康?这对我来说有点复杂。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Um, health is important for me because I can't... do other things I want to do - play music, teach philosophy - if I'm ill.
点击显示原文 =这么说,健康对我来说很重要是因为我不能……做我想做的事——弹奏音乐,教哲学——如果我生病了。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =So health is important to me - has value to me - as a means to a productive life.
点击显示原文 =所以健康对我来说很重要——对我有价值——作为通向多产人生的途径。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =But health is also important to me because I just kind of like to be healthy - it feels good. It's pleasant to be healthy, unpleasant not to be.
点击显示原文 =健康对我重要的原因还有我只是喜欢健健康康的感觉——这个感觉不错。健康时神采奕奕,生病时萎靡不振。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =So to some degree I value health both for itself and as a means to something else: productivity.
点击显示原文 =所以,在一定程度上,我看重健康的本身的同时也将其看成是获得其他东西的途径:生产率。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =It's got extrinsic and intrinsic value for me.
点击显示原文 =对我来说,健康既有外在价值又有内在价值。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Then there's some things that are just valued for themselves.
点击显示原文 =而由健康带来的事物里也有各自的内在价值。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =I'm a musician, not a professional musician; I just play a musical instrument for fun.
点击显示原文 =我爱好音乐,但我不是职业的音乐家;我弹奏乐器纯属娱乐。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Why do I value playing music? Well, like most amateur musicians, I only play because, well, I just enjoy it. It's something that's an end in itself.
点击显示原文 =我为什么喜欢弹奏音乐?其实,跟绝大多数音乐爱好者一样,我享受弹奏音乐的过程。为弹奏而弹奏。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Now, something else I value is teaching.
点击显示原文 =我喜欢的还有教课。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Why? Well, it brings in a modest income, but I could make more money doing other things.
点击显示原文 =为什么?虽然教课挣钱很少,但我可以做别的事挣钱。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =I'd do it even if they didn't pay me. I just enjoy teaching. In that sense it's an end to itself.
点击显示原文 =即便不给工资,我也会继续教课。我喜欢教学,仅此而已。这样说来,我是为了教课而教课。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =But teaching's not something that has intrinsic value for all people - and that's true generally.
点击显示原文 =但是,教课并不对所有人都有内在价值--这一般是实情。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Most things that are enjoyed in and of themselves vary from person to person.
点击显示原文 =很多事情我们是乐在其中还是乐在其外是因人而异的。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Some people value teaching intrinsically, but others don't.
点击显示原文 =有些人认为教学有内在价值,但有些人不这样认为。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =So how does all this relate to human happiness?
点击显示原文 =那么这些跟人类幸福快乐有什么关系呢? -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Well, Aristotle asks: is there something that all human beings value... and value only intrinsically, for its own sake and only for its own sake?
点击显示原文 =亚里士多德是这样设问的:存不存在这样的事物,所有人类都认为它有价值,而且是内在价值,因为且仅仅因为其自身原因。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =If you could find such a thing, that would be the universal final good, or truly the ultimate purpose or goal for all human beings.
点击显示原文 =如果你能找到这样的事物,那它应该这个世界终极的善举,或者说是人类终极目标。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Aristotle thought the answer was yes.
点击显示原文 =亚里士多德给出的答案是肯定的。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =What is it? Happiness.
点击显示原文 =是什么呢?幸福。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Everyone will agree, he argues, that happiness is the ultimate end...to be valued for itself and really only for itself. [rhetorical question]
点击显示原文 =大家将不会反对,他说幸福快乐是且仅是衡量其本身的最终目标。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =For what other purpose is there in being happy? [rhetorical question, with implicit answer being nothing’] What does it yield? [conclusion, not an answer to previous questons]
点击显示原文 =在幸福里你能找到幸福的其它目的吗?它能收获什么? -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =The attainment of happiness becomes the ultimate or highest good for Aristotle.
点击显示原文 =所以,获取幸福是亚里斯多德最终的也是最高的追求。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =The next question that Aristotle raises is: what is happiness?
点击显示原文 =亚里斯多德提出的第二个问题是:什么是幸福? -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =We all want it; we all desire it; we all seek it. It's the goal we have in life. But what is it? How do we find it?
点击显示原文 =我们都需要;我们都想要;我们都追求。幸福是我们生活的目标。但是,它到底是什么?我们如何追求? -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Here he notes, with some frustration, people disagree.
点击显示原文 =这里亚里士多德提到,几经挫折人们往往并不同意刚才的看法。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =But he does give us a couple of criteria, or features, to keep in mind as we look for what true human happiness is.
点击显示原文 =但他的确给了我们一些标准,或是幸福的特征,以便在寻找人类幸福的过程中作为参考。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =True human happiness should be, as he puts it, complete.
点击显示原文 =如他所说,真正的幸福应该是完彻。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Complete in that it's all we require. Well, true human happiness... if you had that, what else do you need? Nothing.
点击显示原文 =在大家所需求的方面做到无缺。嗯,人类真正的幸福……如果你拥有了,你还需要什么?什么都不需要。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =And, second, true happiness should be something that I can obtain on my own. I shouldn't have to rely on other people for it.
点击显示原文 =此外,真正的幸福是全凭自己的力量可以获取的东西。我们不需要借助别人的力量便可获得。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Many people value fame and seek fame. Fame for them becomes the goal.
点击显示原文 =很多人爱慕虚荣,追寻名声。他们视名声为目标。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =But, according to Aristotle, this won't work either, because fame depends altogether too much on other people.
点击显示原文 =然而,据亚里士多德所言,这都不奏效,因为要获得名声,需要极大借助他人的力量。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =I can't get it on my own, without help from other people.
点击显示原文 =没有别人的帮助,我不可能自己成名。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =In the end, Aristotle says that true happiness is the exercise of reason - life of intellectual contemplation... of thinking.
点击显示原文 =最后,亚里士多德表示,真正的幸福是理智的践行,即关于知性思考的生活,关于思想的生活。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =So let's see how he comes to that.
点击显示原文 =那么我们继续看看他是怎么解释的。