Some students like classes where teacherslecture in class. Other students prefer classeswhere the students do some of the talking.Which type of class do you prefer? (06. 10. 15考题) (中立)
Sample answer:
Both teaching and learning approaches are valuableand have relative merits. Classes dominated byteacher's lectures are full of enthusiasm whichstimulates interest. Then the interested people tendto learn more.
Also, lectures provide a faster, simpler method of presenting information to the students. Theyare particularly useful for students who read poorly or who are unable to organize the material.
While on the other hand, tutorial allows students to participate in discussions which put themin an active role rather than a passive one. However, neither of them is universal.
Therefore, I can hardly say that I prefer either approach; I think the choice should depend oncircumstances including the subject to learn, the depth to explore and the quality that thelecturer or the discussing group have.