Should universities fund academic facilities or sports and athletic programs?


Your professor is teaching a class on public administration. Write a post responding to the professor`s question. In your response, you should
• express and support your personal opinion
• make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.



Funding for education is a really hot topic nowadays, so today we’re going to talk about how universities use their limited resources. In the discussion board please respond to the following question: Should universities prioritize funding academic facilities like libraries, or is it okay to spend just as much money on sports and athletic programs?


I think universities should prioritize funding for libraries. Libraries are essential for academic research and study, and they provide students with access to information and resources that they might not have otherwise. Investing in libraries can also help attract and retain the most talented professors, which can ultimately benefit the university as a whole. Sports, on the other hand, appeal to just a small percentage of people. Even in our school, most students aren’t on a sports team and don’t make use of the fitness center or athletic fields.


While I agree that libraries are important, I think that sports programs should also be a priority for universities. Sports can bring the campus community together, even if that just means they attend sports and cheer for their favorite athletes. Meanwhile, among the athletes themselves, sports promote teamwork and leadership skills. Additionally, successful sports programs can generate revenue for the university and boost its reputation.


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