

The Hawaiian crow is a species of bird that has completely disappeared from its natural habitat. A few Hawaiian crows are still raised in captivity, in special sites where they are protected and cared for by conservationists, but, unfortunately, efforts to reintroduce the captive crows into the wild have been unsuccessful, for several reasons.

Vulnerability to Predators

Hawaiian crows raised in captivity are very vulnerable when they are reintroduced into their natural habitat because they do not possess good survival skills. The last few times that captive-raised crows were released into the wild, many were killed by Hawaiian hawks, their natural predators. Because the crows did not have the ability to protect themselves from hawk attacks, conservationists decided to take the surviving crows out of the wild and bring them back into captivity.

Nest Building

Captive-raised Hawaiian crows have difficulty building nests where they can lay eggs, reducing the crows’ potential for reproducing in the wild. Hawaiian crow nests are built by females, and captive-raised female crows gather and arrange sticks to form nests in the usual manner. However, observers have seen males exhibit disruptive and aggressive behavior, such as sitting in the incomplete nests to disrupt the females’ nest building or even attacking the females. The males’ behavior appears to disturb the females and thus discourage them from completing the nests.

Egg Hatching

Captive-raised Hawaiian crows have failed to produce offspring in the wild. Recently, the first clutch (group) of eggs was laid by a pair of Hawaiian crows in a nest in the wild, and the female appeared to be caring for the eggs. Despite the pair’s efforts, these eggs never hatched, and no young chicks emerged. Their unsuccessful attempt at producing chicks suggests that there may be some serious problem likely to prevent this species from reestablishing itself in the wild.


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Fortunately, conservationists are learning by trial and error how to successfully reintroduce Hawaiian crows into the wild, and they believe that all the challenges you read about can be overcome. First about the Hawks, actually, the unsuccessful reintroduction efforts have taught conservationists some useful lessons. They have realized that captive raised crows need to be trained to recognize and avoid Hawks. One way to train the crows is to play them recordings of Hawks' hunting calls together with crows warning cries. This way they learn that the Hawks calls represent danger. Another method is to show real live hawks to captive raised crows in an environment where the Hawks cannot harm the crows. This training seems to be working, because newly released crows can successfully protect themselves from a hawk attack. Second nest building Well, researchers have discovered why the males exhibited disruptive and aggressive behavior. You see, Hawaiian crows are highly social birds. They need to interact with other crows as they're developing in order to learn to behave in appropriate ways. Initially, captive males were raised in isolation apart from female crows, so the males did not have opportunities to develop necessary social skills. But once the conservationists realized this and started raising the males and females together, the males learned to interact with females much better and did not disrupt their nest building. Finally, egg hatching. While it's disappointing that the first clutch of eggs never hatched, it's actually not a major setback. What happened in the case you read about is that the crows laid infertile eggs. An egg is infertile if the birds did not mate successfully, when the female lays an egg, after an unsuccessful mating, the egg will fail to hatch. That pair of Hawaiian crows were actually first time parents, and it's very normal for first time parents to fail. Usually, first time parents have to try multiple times before they mate successfully and produce eggs that result in live chicks.

Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they address the specific challenges discussed in the reading passage.



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