Would it be better for a new university graduate to begin working for a large, established company, or for a small start-up company?


Your professor is teaching a class on job choice. Write a post responding to the professor`s question. In your response, you should do the following.
• Express and support your opinion.
• Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.


Doctor Gupta

When students are preparing to graduate from university, they need to make decisions about what kind of company they want to work for. They might consider large, older companies with an established reputation, or possibly new start-up companies. which tend to be small but very focused on the future. Consider the advantages of each. Would it generally be better for a new university graduate to begin working for a large, established company, or for a small start-up company? Why?


I think in general, the established company is the better choice. Because they’re already well-known, these companies have a certain amount of respect in the business community, so it would look good to have that job experience on your résumé. That advantage alone would be a great start for a recent graduate.


I see your point, Kelly, but taking a position at a start-up company would offer so much excitement. They often have an energy that older companies can’t match—everyone can be focused on new, innovative business practices and they would be more aggressive about getting new clients. That would be a much better experience for someone fresh out of university!


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