How much time and money does a company invest in improving the work skills of their employees?


Your professor is teaching a class on business. Write a post responding to the professor`s question. In your response, you should do the following.
• Express and support your opinion.
• Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.


Doctor Diaz

We’ve been discussing the importance of hiring and retaining highly skilled employees, but even the best employees may need to periodically update or further develop their work skills. One question facing managers is how much time and money to invest in improving the work skills of their employees. Some managers argue that ongoing employee training is the most important investment a company can make. What are your thoughts on the matter?


I don’t think that employee training is the most important investment a company can make. The company should be hiring the most skilled workers it can find in the first place. There are so many other unavoidable things that a company needs to spend money on and that have to take precedence over training.


Employees’ leaving their jobs is always a risk, but providing ongoing training and skill development is more likely to make employees want to stay rather than go, in my opinion. When employers pay for training, employees are likely to feel more valued by their employer, and this can only improve the employer-employee relationship.


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