Will an excess of possessions drag down our quality of life?


Your professor is teaching a class on the quality of life. Write a post responding to the professor's question. In your response, you should do the following: express and support your opinion, and make a contribution to the discussion in your own words. An effective response will contain at least 100 words.


Doctor Diaz

While owning lots of consumer products is believed to increase the quality of life, these products can also impose responsibilities on those who own them. For example, electronic devices, appliances, and vehicles require constant attention and regular maintenance. Possessions also need to be stored and organized, taking up time and space. For these reasons, some people argue that having many possessions can actually decrease the quality of life. Do you agree or disagree? Why?


I totally agree that an excess of possessions can drag down our quality of life. Just think about the time we spend organizing closets or garages. I spend hours every month sorting and storing clothes in my closet. This clutter and the time it takes to manage it can become overwhelming and detract from enjoying life.


Just the thought of having to constantly worry about my gadgets, or even my car needing maintenance, gives me anxiety. It's like adding extra homework to life. Life often requires owning many things, but personally, I hate having to take care of them all or worry about them getting damaged or lost.


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