Response to the Plan for an Additional Lighting System



Response to the Plan for an Additional Lighting System

I oppose the university’s plan to purchase an additional outdoor lighting system. The university says it would make our historic campus more attractive by illuminating our buildings at night. However, the university would spend an extra $1,000 per month for electricity. Instead, I recommend the money be used to complete the library renovation project as quickly as possible.
That’s not the only reason we shouldn't get the new system. These powerful lights would brighten the sky as well as the buildings and seriously interfere with the use of our astronomy equipment. Our academic mission must come first - and the practice of astronomy is done best when the sky is darkest.
—R. N. Heinrich, Professor of Astronomy

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    <-NARRATOR:-> Now Listen to two students discussing the opinion expressd in the letter.
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> I totally agree with the letter.
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> How come? Don't you think the campus looked pretty at night?
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> might make the buildings look nice at night but
    why should we waste so much money on something we really don't need? Just for looks,
    there are more important things than that.
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> I can see your point.
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> I mean how long has that library project been going on?
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> Yeah, the whole third floor has been closed for the last few months.
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> Exactly. And just last night, I had my astronomy class with professor Henrik.
    He told us something that was totally disappointing.
    We've been tracking a comet all semester long
    and he says if the university's plan goes through,
    we won't be able to see the comet through telescopes anymore.
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> That's so sad.
    You chose the school just because of the astronomy program, didn't you?
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> Yeah, it's such a good program.
    But if it's too bright around here at night,
    we'll have to go back to looking at the pictures of comets in the textbook.
    You could tell Professor Henrik is disappointed too.
    It's the hands-on experience that gets everyone all excited.


Explain why the man agrees with the professor’s opinion.


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