Make Textbook List Available Earlier



Make Textbook List Available Earlier

Students always have to wait until the beginning of the semester to fnd out which textbooks they will need for their new courses. But since a lot of students register early for their courses, I think that the list for each course should be available immediately at the time of registration.This would give students more time to shop around to find less expensive textbooks. And it would also allow them to start work on the teaching for their new courses early.
Alexandra Brown

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    <-NARRATOR:-> Now listen to two students discussing the letter.
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> Hey, did you see Alexandra's letter?
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> Yeah, what do you think?
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> Well, it's great,
    she really makes some good points.
    Like, the thing with the university bookstore is,
    if you buy a brand new textbook, it can be pretty expensive,
    and they usually have only a few used textbooks around...
    they're cheaper of course, but they sell out quickly.
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> That's true.
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> So this would give students time to look around on their own, you 'know,
    maybe they could find the books they need online...
    get books a few months ahead of time using the Internet...
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> I agree.
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> So this way, students might be able to save a little money.
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> Right. So what do you think about her second point, about the reading assignments?
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> I agree with that too;
    it just makes a lot of sense...
    because things get really busy when the semester first starts, and it can be hard to find time to keep up with all of the assignments.
    But students usually have some free time right before the start of the semester.
    <-FEMALE STUDENT:-> So... we'd have a good opportunity to do some preparation.
    <-MALE STUDENT:-> Exactly.


The man expresses his opinion about the proposal described in the letter.Briefly summarize the proposal.Then state his opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.


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