Using examples from the lecture explain two ways that reinforcement can be used to change behavior.
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The lecture discusses reinforcement, which is used to change behavior by providing desirable consequences. On way is through positive reinforcement, which involves adding something pleasant after a desired behavior. For example, if you need to get up early for a new job, you could reward yourself with your favorite breakfast, like a jelly donut or hot cereal, each time you successfully wake up early. This pleasant reward encourages you to get up early more frequently. Another way is negative reinforcement, which involves removing something unpleasant to encourage a behavior. If you dislike taking showers in the morning and it keeps you in bed, you could start showering at night instead. By removing the unplesant morning shower, you make it easier to get up early. Both positive and negative reinforcement effectively chaneg behavior by either adding a pleasant experience or removing an unplesant one.