Official 12 Set 3

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Managing by Wandering Around

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What is the lecture mainly about?
  • A. Two competing theories of business management.

  • B. Tools that business managers can use to improve the efficiency of their employees.

  • C. A method for business to learn about the needs of their customers.

  • D. A way that business managers can better relate to their employees.

显示答案 正确答案: C

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    NARRATOR:Listen to part of a lecture in a Business Class.

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:Ok, as we've talked about, a key aspect of running a successful business is knowing, um, getting a good sense of what the customer actually wants, and how they perceive your product.So with that in mind, I want to describe a very simple method of researching customer preference, and it is becoming increasingly common, it's called MBWA, which stands for managing by wandering around.Now, MBWA, that's not the most technical sounding name you've ever heard, but it describes the process pretty accurately.Here is how it works.

    Basically, um, the idea is that business owners or business managers just go out and actually talk to their customers, and learn more about how well the business is serving their needs, and try to see what the customer experiences.Because that's a great way to discover for yourself how your product is perceived, what the strengths and weaknesses are… you know, how you can improv it that sort of thing, you know Dortans, they make soup and canned vegetables and such.Well, the head of the company had Dortans' topped executives walk around supermarkets, um, asking shoppers what they thought of Dortans' soups, and he use the data to make changes to the company's product.I mean, when Dortans of all the companies, embraces something as radical as MBWA, it really show you how popular the theory has become, yes, Lisa?

    FEMALE STUDENT:But isn't it dangerous to base decisions on information from a small sample of people?Isn't it large-scale market research safer getting data on a lot of people?

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:That's a good question, and well I don't want to pretend that W... MBWA is some sort of, um, replacement for other methods of customer research.Market research data definitely can give you a good idea of, um, of the big picture, but MBWA is really useful at kind of filling in the blanks, you know, getting a good on-the-ground sense of how your products are used and how people respond to them, and Yes, the numbers of opinion you get is small, so you do need to be careful.But, good business managers will tell you that the biggest fear they have, and... and one of the most frequent problems they come across, is, well, becoming out of touch with what their customers really want and need.You know surveys and market research stuff like that, they can only tell you so much about what the customers actually want in their day-to-day lives.Managing By Wandering Around, on the other hand, well that gets you in there and gives you a good sense of what customers need.So when use combination then, MBWA and market research were the powerful tools.Oh, here is another example for you, um, senior executives for a clothing manufacturer, it was, um ah, Elkin…Elkin jeans, you know? They went and worked in a store for a few days selling Elkin’s clothes.Now that gave them a very different idea about their product—they saw how people responded to it.They could go up to customers in the store and ask them questions about it, uh,yes Mike?

    MALE STUDENT:Well, I would think that a lot of customers would be bothered by, you know, if I'm shopping, I don't know if I'd want some business representatives coming up to me and asking me questions,It’s, it’s like when I get phone calls at home from marketing researchers— I just hang up on them.

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:Oh, well, it's certainly true that well no one likes getting calls at home from market researchers or people like that, but I will tell you something.Most customers have exact opposite reaction when they comes to MBWA.Now, don't ask me why, because I really have no idea, but the fact is that customers tend to respond really well to MBWA, which is the key reason for a success.

    In fact, the techniques of MBWA work so well, they have actually been extended to all kinds of different contexts ,like politics for instance.Um, a few years back, the mayor of Baltimore, Um... I think his name was Shapher or something like that…anyway, he decided that the best way to serve the people of the city, of his city was to actually get out there in it and experience the things they experienced.So he ride around the city in, you know, in all parts of it, and he’d see all the potholes; he’d see how the trash was sometimes, um, not pickup but off side the street, and then he go back to his office and they write these memos.Now they were memos to his staff about the problems he had seen, and how they needed to be fixed, now, that sort of thing.But the thing is he got all the information just by going around and seeing the different Botamore neighborhoods and talking to the people in them.And he called it smart politics, we'd call it MBWA, or just, plain good customer service.

  • 旁白:听一段关于商学的讲座。

    教授:好。正如我们之前谈到的,运营一个成功的企业的一个重要方面就是知道⋯⋯嗯,就是了解客户的需要,和了解他们如何看待你的商品的。那么,关于这个概念,我想要描述一个非常简单的关于客户偏好的调查方法,而且这个方法越来越普遍,它叫做MBWA,意思是“漫游式管理(managing by wandering around)”那么⋯⋯MBWA,可能对你来说,它听上去技术性不是很强,但它很准确地形容了整个过程。它是这么操作的。

    基本上,企业所有者或客户经理只是出去和他们的客户交谈,去了解自己的业务是如何满足他们的需求,而且试着了解客户的经验。因为这是一种很好的办法去了解自己的产品如何被客户看待的,它的优势和劣势是什么,你知道的⋯⋯如何去改进它,等等。你们知道Dalton 公司吧,他们制造汤和蔬菜罐头那样的产品。这个公司的领导,让Dalton 的高管们在超市里走来走去,去询问客户觉得Dalton 公司的汤怎么样,而他则利用这些数据用来改进公司的产品。我的意思是,连Dalton 这种公司都接受了MBWA 这种近乎激进的东西,足可以显示出这个理论的受欢迎程度。好的,Lisa,请讲?


    教授:这个问题提的很好,我不想假装MBWA 可以替代其他的客户调查方式。市场调查数据肯定能给你一个好的主意,一个更全面的视角,但MBWA 在填补空白的时候的确非常有用,你知道,从实地了解你的产品是如何被使用的以及人们对它的反映如何。但的确,你得到的意见很少,所以要格外小心。但是,一个好的商业管理者会告诉你他们最担心的东西,也是遇到最常见的问题之一,就是跟客户的真正需要发生脱节。这些调查,市场研究,它们只能告诉你客户在日常生活中的需求。漫游式的管理方式让你对客户的需求有一个很好的了解。因此,当联合使用这些方时法,MBWA 和市场调查都是强大的工具。再举个例子。一个服装制造业的高级管理人员们,Elken 服装,Elken 牛仔裤听说过吧?他们甚至在商店里工作了几天,销售Elken 服装。这个经历使得他们对自己产品的看法发生了一个非常大的转变,他们亲眼看到了人们对产品的反应。他们可以直接在店里走到客户面前问问题。好,Mike,请讲?


    教授:人们当然都不喜欢在家接到市场调查之类的电话。但实话告诉你吧,大多数客户在MBWA 的过程中反应恰恰相反。别问我为什么,因为我也不知道,事实是,客户通常对MBWA的反映还不错,这也是它成功的一个主要原因。

    事实上,因为MBWA 方法效果很好,它甚至延伸到了其他的领域,比如政治。前几年,巴尔的摩市市长,他好像叫,嗯,Shapher 还是什么...不管怎样,他决定服务市民的最好方式,就是到城市里去,去经历市民们在经历的事。所以他在城市的各个地方转了个遍,他看到了所有路面坑坑洼洼的地方,还有路边上没有被捡起来的垃圾,然后他回到了办公室把这些写进了备忘录里这些备忘录是用来记录他发现的问题,和员工们如何解决这些问题。但他这些信息的获取,仅仅是靠在城市里瞎逛,看看不同的社区,和跟市民们谈话。他管这个方法叫“智慧策略”,而我们叫它MBWA,或者只是简单的优质的客户服务。

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    So with that in mind, I want to describe a very simple method of researching customer preference, and it's becoming increasingly common. It's called MBWA which stands for "Managing by Wandering Around".
    教授在阐述之前上课的内容后介绍了 MBWA,“I want to describe a very simple method of researching customer preference.”选项C正确,选项ABD均未提及。





Managing by Wandering Around



