机经真题 3 Set 1

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  • Q4
  • Q5
Why did the woman ask to see the man?
  • A. To offer him advice about a conflict in his schedule

  • B. To ask for his decision about his major field of study

  • C. To respond to his request to change his major field of study

  • D. To find out his plans for after graduation

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    listen to a conversation between a student and his advisor. Hi, Paul. I\'m glad you could stop by during exam week at all. no problem. I\'m pretty much caught up with all my studying. So Okay. Well, you know, it\'s time to officially declare your major field of study. Have you given it some thoughts? yeah, lots. But here\'s the thing, I love all my history courses, but after I graduate from here, I\'d really like to be a social worker. and I\'m not sure history\'s the best preparation for that. So what\'s wrong with getting an undergraduate degree in social work. declaring that your major? It\'s just that, well, I\'ve heard so much about how a liberal arts background, like in history and literature, can be useful in so many careers. and I\'ve always been interested in history. Well, for a career in social work, you\'d need to go to graduate school. to get an advanced degree. which would mean a few more years’ school after you graduate from here, but you can get into a graduate program in social work without majoring in social work as an undergraduate. But a major in social work might be preferable, right? In some cases, maybe. But students with an undergraduate major in one of the liberal arts. have other advantages. They gain the kind of general knowledge and skills. like analytical thinking, communication and such that would serve in almost any career. Majoring in history might serve you well if you think you might eventually want an advanced degree later on. and want to go to graduate school in social work or some other profession. So you\'re saying, I should. No, no, not should. The decision about your undergraduate major is a very important one. but it\'s very personal. You\'re the one who knows best what you want to do after you graduate. and how you want to get there. Okay, so a social work major, I might get a better idea of what to expect in the actual job I\'d wind up with. but liberal arts stuff. like history and English. I do need to work on my writing and analytical skills. Do you think I\'d have enough time in my schedule to take courses in social work, but still major in history? A lot of Social Work courses have a field work component. doing an internship several hours a week. observing and assisting an experienced social worker at an institution or government agency. that part sounds worth the extra time. and I don\'t mind hard work. so if I fulfill all the history major requirements. and choose Social Work courses for my electives outside the major. along with maybe some writing,sounds ambitious, Paul, but doable. so I\'ll sign you up for a major in history then.

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    A: Okay. Well, you know, it's time to officially declare your major field of study. Have you given it some thoughts?

    S: Yeah, lots. But here's the thing, I love all my history courses, but after I graduate from here, I'd really like to be a social worker, and I'm not sure history's the best preparation for that.








