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Theodor Seuss Geisel

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What is the lecture mainly about?
  • A. Early influences that shaped the career of Theodor Seuss Geisel

  • B. The use of Dr. Seuss books in modern elementary schools

  • C. The literary and artistic approach of Theodor Seuss Geisel

  • D. Two prominent authors of twentieth-century children’s literature

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    NARRATOR:Listen to part of a lecture in a children's literature class.

    MALE PROFESSOR:Today we'll start looking at the most important children's book authors of the twentieth century.And I'd like to start with an author-illustrator whom some of you probably grew up reading: Dr. Seuss... his actual name was Theodor Seuss Geisel.

    Geisel's work was hugely popular among beginning readers and their parents, but it wasn't always considered "literature" or subjected to serious academic inquiry until relatively recently.In fact, not only weren't his books considered literature, but they weren't always considered good schoolbooks.

    In the late-1950s and even through the '60s, U.S. teachers resisted Seuss books because they perceived them as having a comic-book style—fun, maybe, but not... uh, not appropriate for the classroom.None of Geisel's books individually won him a Pulitzer Prize, and he didn't receive any top children's literary awards, either.Although the Pulitzer Prize Committee did give him a citation in 1984 for his, ah [reciting quote] "special contribution over nearly half a century to the education and enjoyment of America's children and their parents." But again, that wasn't until 1984.

    Perhaps one reason his books weren't taken seriously is that even though they often use rhyme, you wouldn't call him a great poet.Geisel's rhyme schemes are very simple, and often, to make things rhyme, he'd use silly names for his imaginary creatures—like, uh, the "Grinch" and "sneetches."In fact, one book features 34 pairs of rhymed words, but only eight of those pairs consist entirely of real words. The rest are made-up words.

    Geisel also illustrated his own books and created lots of highly memorable characters from a visual standpoint.Yet, as far as his artistic talent, no one's ever really called him a "great" artist or "great" illustrator.For his human characters, he pretty much drew the same face over and over; except for minor accessories, all the people in his books look the same.Not exactly something you'd be encouraged to do in art school! And the way he drew even nonhuman characters was dismissed by many critics as being overly simplistic.

    His landscapes, on the other hand, they are simple, but they're also extremely clever.He had this uncanny knack for creating the illusion of great distance with some very simple shapes and lines.

    But what about from a pedagogical standpoint?Well, let's consider Geisel's most famous book, The Cat in the Hat.Now, in a way, this book, The Cat in the Hat, captures the essence of Geisel's particular genius as a children's author.Geisel actually wrote it in response to an article written in 1954 by an acclaimed novelist named John Hersey.

    In this article, Hersey criticized the textbooks being used in elementary schools, uh, to teach children to read.He called the books boring, contrived, and utterly humorless.After seeing Hersey's article, Geisel must've wondered what made the books so dull. And one thing he found was... they used only words from the Dolch list.

    The Dolch list contained a few hundred common sight words—words like, well, "cat" and "hat."At the time, the Dolch list was widely adhered to by publishers of textbooks for beginning readers.

    Well, using only words from the Dolch list, Geisel tapped into his fertile imagination, and... the result was an incredibly funny and engaging storyline about a talking cat that convinces a brother and sister to let him make a huge mess in their house while their mother is away.Another character, a talking fish, tries to warn the children that they'll be blamed for the cat's crazy antics.You can really feel the tension building up in those kids as the cat makes the house messier and messier.Ultimately, the house gets straightened up in the nick of time.And the kids are left speechless when their mom shows up and casually asks if anything interesting happened in her absence.The kids, and presumably Geisel's readers, are left thinking: Should they tell the truth? And that's where the book ends. [Slight pause for dramatic effect]Brilliant. There aren't too many authors who can set up a moral dilemma like this and then get children to think about it for themselves.

  • 旁白:请听儿童文学课上的部分内容。

    教授:今天我们将开始学习20世纪最重要的儿童书籍作者。我想从一位插画作家开始,你们中一些人可能是看着他的书长大的,他就是Seuss博士。他的本名叫做Theodor Seuss Geisel。






    但是从教育学的角度来看呢?我们来看看Geisel最有名的作品The Cat in the Hat在某种程度上,这本书The Cat in the Hat抓住了Geisel作为一位儿童文学作家特有的天分的精髓。事实上,Geisel写这本书是为了回应一位饱受赞扬的小说家1954年写的一篇文章。这个小说家的名字叫做John Hersey.




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    原文定位:文章开头无信号,需总结全文排除选项。讲座开头,教授引入主人公:Theodor Seuss Geisel. 之后介绍其儿童文学艺术作品从不被认可到被认可的过程及原因。

    选项分析A选项的shaped the career 错误;B use of Dr. Seuss books错误; DTwo prominent authors错误。因此正确答案为CTheodor Seuss Geisel运用的文学与艺术手法。





Theodor Seuss Geisel



