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Childhood Amnesia

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What is the main purpose of the lecture?
  • A. To discuss possible explanations for childhood amnesia

  • B. To describe key features of childhood amnesia

  • C. To explain methods of testing memory in children of different ages

  • D. To discuss why the ability recall memories diminishes as a person ages

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    NARRATOR:Listen to a part of lecture in a psychology class.

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:OK. If I ask about the earliest thing you can remember, I'll bet for most of you your earliest memory, would be from about age 3, right?Well, that's true for most adults… we can't remember anything that happened before the age of 3.And this phenomenon is so widespread and well-documented it has a name.It's called childhood amnesia and was first documented in 1893.

    As I said, this phenomenon refers to adults not being able to remember childhood incidents.It's not children trying to remember events from last month or last year.Of course it follows that if you can't remember an incident as a child, you probably won't remember it as an adult.

    OK, so, so why is this? What are the reasons for childhood amnesia?Well, once a popular explanation was that childhood memories are repressed ... uh, the memories are disturbing so that as adults we keep them buried.And so we can’t recall them… and this is based on… well—well it’s not based on–on–on the the kind of solid research and lab testing I want to talk about today, so—so let’s put that explanation aside and concentrate on just two. OK.

    It could be that as children we do form memories of things prior to age 3, but forget them as we grow older. That's one explanation.Another possibility is that children younger than 3 lack, lack some cognitive capacity for memory.And that idea that children are unable to form memories that's been the dominant belief in psychology for the past hundred years.

    And this idea is very much tied to two things. The theories of Jean Piaget and also to language development in children.So, Piaget's theory of cognitive development.Piaget suggested that because they don't have language, children younger than 18 to 24 months live in the here and now, that is they lack the means to symbolically represent objects and events that are not physically presented.Everybody get that?Piaget proposed that young children don't have a way to represent things that aren't right in front of them.That's what language does, right?Words represent things, ideas.

    Once language starts to develop, from about age 2, they do have a system for symbolical representation and can talk about things which aren't in their immediate environment, including the past.Of course, he didn't claim that infants don't have any sort of memory.It's acknowledged that they can recognize some stimuli, like faces.And for many years, this model was very much in favor in psychology, even though memory tests were never performed on young children.

    Well, finally in the 1980s, a study was done.And this study showed that very young children under the age of 2 do have the capacity for recall.Now, if the children can't talk, how was recall tested?Well, that's a good question, since the capacity for recall has always been linked with the ability to talk.

    So the researchers set up an experiment using imitation-based tasks.Adults used props, uh, toys or other objects to demonstrate an action that have 2 steps.The children were asked to imitate the steps immediately.And then again after delays of one or more month.And even after a delay, the children could, could recall or replicate the action, the objects used, the steps involved and the order of the steps.Even children as young as 9 month.

    Now, tests showed that there was a faster rate of forgetting among the youngest children.But most importantly, it showed that development of recall did not depend on language development.And that was an important finding.I guess I should add that the findings don't say that there was no conncetion, no connection between the development of language and memory.There are some evidence that being able to talk about that event does lead to having a stronger memory of that event.But that doesn't seem to be the real issue here.

    So back to our question about the cause of childhood amnesia.Well, there is something called the rate of forgetting and the childhood amnesia may reflect the high rate of forgetting.In other words, children under the age of 3 do form memories and do so without language.But they forget the memories at a fast rate, probably faster than adults do.Researchers have set a standard, sort of unexpected rate of forgetting.But that expected rate was set based on tests done on adults.So what is the rate of forgetting for children under the age of 3.We expect it to be high. But the tests to prove this really haven't been done yet.

  • 旁白:听一段心理学的课堂讲解。

    教授:好了,如果我问大家最早的记忆在什么时期,我猜你们多数人都会说在3 岁左右,对吗?对多数成年人来讲确实如此,3 岁之前的事情我们基本都不记得。这种现象是如此普遍,而且有证据证明它有一个名字。叫做儿童健忘症,在1893 年首次被文献所记载。



    可能我们在3 岁之前的阶段确实也形成了记忆,但是在我们长大的过程中就慢慢遗忘了,这是一种解释。另一种可能性就是3 岁以下的孩子缺乏记忆认知能力。而在过去的100 年中,儿童不能形成记忆的想法,一直在心理学界获得广泛认可。

    这种想法和两件事联系在一起,让.皮亚杰的理论以及儿童语言发展的理论。说说让.皮亚杰的认知发展理论。让.皮亚杰提出由于18‐24 个月以下的孩子不会说话,那么就缺乏来表示物体,以及那些无法用实体呈现的事件的记忆符号。大家都明白了吗?让.皮亚杰提出儿童没有办法呈现那些并没有展现在他们面前的事物。这就是语言的功能了,对吗?词汇可以形容事物、想法。

    一旦语言在儿童2 岁左右开始发育的时候,他们就有了能一套呈现符号系统,而且能立即说出不在场的东西,也包括过去的事物。当然他没有说婴儿没有任何记忆大家都知道婴儿可以认知一些刺激物体,如人的长相。这种模式在心理学界一直都被广泛认可,尽管没有在孩子身上进行过任何试验。

    在20 世纪80 年代,研究终于结束了。研究显示2 岁一下的孩童有回忆的能力。既然孩子那时候还不能说话,那么试验是怎么进行的呢?这是个好问题,因为回忆的能力总是与语言能力相关联。

    所以研究者就用模拟测试进行了实验。成人用适当的玩具或者其他的物体来进行演示,包括两个步骤。要求孩子们立即来模仿这些步骤然后过了一个多月甚至是更久,孩子们就不能想起来并展示了,包括使用的物体、演示的步骤及顺序。甚至是9 个月大的孩子



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    As I said, this phenomenon refers to adults not being able to remember childhood incidents.It's not children trying to remember events from last month or last year.Of course it follows that if you can't remember an incident as a child, you probably won't remember it as an adult.OK, so, so why is this?What are the reasons for childhood amnesia?
    教授在 lecture 的一开头引入了一个新的概念 childhood amnesia,并在接下来的讲座中提出了几种可能的解释。这篇文章主旨需要纵观全文进行概括总结,可以得到讲座的主旨是A选项 。





Childhood Amnesia



