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Why does the man visit the professor?
  • A. To get the professor’s approval for his paper topic

  • B. To ask for source material for his paper

  • C. To ask the professor’s opinion about a particular production of a Shakespeare play

  • D. To get help finding articles about a play

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    NARRATOR:Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor.

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:OK, let’s see, right …[reading] “Modern stagings of a Shakespearean classic.”Well like I told you last week I think that’s a great topic for your paper.[questioning] So the title’ll be something like …

    MALE STUDENT:I’m not really sure. Probably something like “Twentieth-Century Stagings of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:Yes. I like that: straightforward and to the point. So how’s the research going?

    MALE STUDENT:Well, that’s what I came to talk to you about.I was wondering if you happened to have a copy of the Peter Brook production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in your video collection.I’ve been looking for it everywhere, and… I’m having a really hard time tracking it down.

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:That’s because it doesn’t exist.

    MALE STUDENT:Huh! You mean in your collection, or at all?

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:I mean at all. That particular production was never filmed or recorded.

    MALE STUDENT:Oh no. I had no idea. From what I’ve read, that production, like, it influenced every other production of the play that came after it so … I just assumed it had been filmed or videotaped.

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:Oh, it definitely was a landmark production, and … it’s not like it ran for just a week, but either it was never filmed, or if it was, the film has been lost.And it’s ironic because there’s even a film about the making of the production, but none of the production itself.

    MALE STUDENT:So now what do I do … if there’s no video … ?

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:Well, think about it. This is the most important twentieth-century staging of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, right?

    MALE STUDENT:But how can I write about Brook’s interpretation of the play if I can’t see his production?

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:Just because there’s no recording doesn’t mean you can’t figure out how it influenced other productions.

    MALE STUDENT:I guess there’s enough material around. But it’ll be a challenge.

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:True, but think about it: You’re writing about dramatic arts… the theater, and that’s the nature of theater isn’t it?

    MALE STUDENT:You mean because it’s live, when the performance is finished …

    FEMALE PROFESSOR:That’s it, unless it’s filmed, it’s gone! But that doesn’t mean we can’t study it.And of course some students in this class are writing about productions in the nineteenth century…and there are no videos of those.You know, one of the challenges for people who study theater is to find ways of talking about something that’s really so transient, about something that in a sense, doesn’t exist.

  • 旁白:听下面一段教授和学生间的对话。


    学生:我也不知道论文题目叫什么合适。可能该叫“论 20 世纪《仲夏夜之梦》的出演情况”。


    学生:嗯,我来这儿就是要跟您说说这个事情。我在想您是否恰好收藏有一卷Peter Brook导演的《仲夏夜之梦》的影碟吗?我已经到处找遍了,但一直都没有发现它的下落。














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    Professor: OK, lets see. Right, Modern Stagings of a Shakespearian Classic. Well, like I told you last week, I think thats a great topic for your paper. So the title would be something like ... uh

    Student: I am not really sure, probably something like 20th century stagings of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

    Professor: Yes, I like that. Straightforward and to the point. So how is the research going?

    Student: Well, thats what I came to talk to you about. I was wondering if you happen to have a copy of the Peter Brook production of A Midsummer Nights Dream in your video collection. I’ve been looking for it everywhere and I am having a really hard time tracking it down.






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