A. To ask where certain types of novels are shelved
B. To find out why the library does not carry young adult novels
C. To propose that the library's young adult novels be moved to a different location
D. To propose an expansion of the library's collection
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listen to a conversation between a student and a library director.
Excuse me, are you? Judy Bennett, the library director,
yes, I was asking one of the employees here about something, and he said, I should talk to you.
Okay, I guess I should first tell you that I\'ve always been an avid reader.
One of the reasons I chose this university was because of the library
your amazing collection. That\'s nice to hear,
and I couldn\'t wait to check out all my favorite books, especially those young adult novels,
the kind I started reading when I was about 14.
You know, short books, mysteries, fantasy and science fiction.
Of course, with all my class assignments, reading for fun is a luxury for me. Now,
I hardly ever get to do it anymore,
same for me.
Thing is, there\'s not a lot of young adult books here.
Almost everything\'s academic nonfiction, like histories, essays and biographies.
So I was wondering, what about adding a young adult section to the library?
Hmm, I admit I do still enjoy young adult novels myself.
They\'re often action packed with characters who seem like people you\'d meet in everyday life with everyday kinds of problems.
That said, creating a new section isn\'t exactly simple.
It isn\'t Can you just like, add some shelves somewhere and put up a sign?
Well, first we\'d have to create space which is already tight. I don\'t know where I think the entrance lobby be a great place.
I mean, it doesn\'t need to be that big, hmm, I suppose
we do have some extra bookshelves and storage,
but installing them and filling them with library quality books,
adding them to our database that it costs 1000s of dollars,
I recently put in a request for a budget increase, so maybe we could use that money,
but that money is already going to some repairs we badly need, and that really has to take priority,
but there might be an alternative way to finance such a project.
Have you heard about the university\'s miscellaneous fund?
Miscellaneous fund?
It\'s used for supporting projects that are initiated by students to,
you know,enhance campus life,
but that don\'t fit under the usual budgeting categories,
projects with no other funding sources.
Each spring, a team of students and administrator’s awards grants to a few projects from dozens of proposals.
What kinds of projects get funded?
One was to record performances by the student jazz band
and put them online for everyone to enjoy.
And you know that small art gallery in the student center.
Yeah, my roommate exhibited his photos there last month that was built with miscellaneous fund money.
So there is probably an application I\'d have to fill out Yes,
and you need a member of the faculty or administration to sponsor it,
someone whose work would not be directly affected by the project. If it got approved,
so much as I like your idea,
you\'d have to ask someone else to sponsor you,
but I could help with cost estimates, if you like.
That\'d be great.
Thing is, there's not a lot of young adult books here. Almost everything's academic nonfiction, like histories, essays and biographies. So I was wondering, what about adding a young adult section to the library?