Whether students should memorize dates and names of significant historical events or rely on the internet for such information?
Some college students prefer to take classes during the day and work at night or on weekends, while others like to work during the day and take night or weekend classes.
Do you prefer to live in one place your whole life or move around and experience different places?
Should students majoring in math and science not be required to take humanities courses?
Should teachers encourage students to have class discussion ?
Is praising good behavior more effective than criticizing bad behavior in teaching children how to behave?
Which is better for housing: a noisy city center apartment with lots of shops nearby, or a quiet countryside apartment far from shopping places?
Which is better: playing board and card games with family and friends, or playing video games on personal devices?
Do you think people's social skills have declined due to increased use of technology?
Do you prefer shopping at a nearby but expensive store or a distant store with lower prices?