Now listen to a part of a talk in an economics class.
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So, let's talk about money.
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What is money?
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Well, typically people think of coins and paper "bills" as money ...but that's using a somewhat narrow definition of the term.
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A broad definition is this:[slowly] money is anything that people can use to make purchases with.
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Since many things can be used to make purchases, money can have many different forms.
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Certainly, coins and bills are one form of money.
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People exchange goods and services for coins or paper bills, and they use this money, these bills ...to obtain other goods and services.
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For example, you might give a taxi driver five dollars to purchase a ride in his taxi.
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And he in turn gives the five dollars to a farmer to buy some vegetables.
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But, as I said, coins and bills aren't the only form of money under this broad definition.
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Some societies make use of a barter system.
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Basically, in a barter system people exchange goods and services directly for other goods and services.
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The taxi driver, for example, might give a ride to a farmer in exchange for some vegetables.
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Since the vegetables are used to pay for a service, by our broad definition the vegetables are used in barter as a form of money.
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Now, as I mentioned, there's also a second ... a narrower definition of money.
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In the United States only coins and bills are legal tender—meaning that by law, a seller must accept them as payment.
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The taxi driver must accept coins or bills as payment for a taxi ride.
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But in the U.S., the taxi driver is not required to accept vegetables in exchange for a ride.
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So a narrower definition of money might be whatever is legal tender in a society, whatever has to be accepted as payment.
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显示译文 -显示原文 =NARRATOR:
Now listen to a part of a talk in an economics class.
点击显示原文 =现在,请听某经济课上的部分讲话内容。 -
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So, let's talk about money.
点击显示原文 =所以,下面让我们来说一说货币。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =What is money?
点击显示原文 =什么是货币? -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Well, typically people think of coins and paper "bills" as money ...but that's using a somewhat narrow definition of the term.
点击显示原文 =呃,通常情况下,人们会想到硬币,以及纸币。但是,这里用的是货币的狭义定义。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =A broad definition is this:[slowly] money is anything that people can use to make purchases with.
点击显示原文 =广义上的定义是:货币是任何人们可以用来购买其他物品的物品。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Since many things can be used to make purchases, money can have many different forms.
点击显示原文 =由于很多东西都可以用来购买东西,所以货币可以有很多不同的形式。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Certainly, coins and bills are one form of money.
点击显示原文 =可以确信的一点是,硬币和纸币都是货币的一种形式。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =People exchange goods and services for coins or paper bills, and they use this money, these bills ...to obtain other goods and services.
点击显示原文 =人们通过交换物品或者服务来获取硬币或者纸币,然后他们又用这些货币,这些纸币去换取别的物品以及服务。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =For example, you might give a taxi driver five dollars to purchase a ride in his taxi.
点击显示原文 =举个例子,你付给的士司机5美元,用以购买坐他车行驶的一段路程。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =And he in turn gives the five dollars to a farmer to buy some vegetables.
点击显示原文 =然后,他把这五美元付给了某位农民,用以购买一些蔬菜。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =But, as I said, coins and bills aren't the only form of money under this broad definition.
点击显示原文 =但是就像我之前提到过的那样,硬币和纸币只是在广义定义下,货币的一种形式。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Some societies make use of a barter system.
点击显示原文 =在一些社会体系中,人们使用的是物物交换制。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Basically, in a barter system people exchange goods and services directly for other goods and services.
点击显示原文 =基本上,在物物交换体系中,人们直接用物品或者服务来换取其他的物品或者服务。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =The taxi driver, for example, might give a ride to a farmer in exchange for some vegetables.
点击显示原文 =举个例子,的士司机给捎农民一程,用以交换一些蔬菜。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Since the vegetables are used to pay for a service, by our broad definition the vegetables are used in barter as a form of money.
点击显示原文 =因为蔬菜在这里是用以支付乘车服务的,所以在广义下,蔬菜是物物交换系统里一种形式的货币。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =Now, as I mentioned, there's also a second ... a narrower definition of money.
点击显示原文 =现在,就如我之前提到的第二种,货币的更为狭义的定义。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =In the United States only coins and bills are legal tender—meaning that by law, a seller must accept them as payment.
点击显示原文 =在美国,只有硬币和纸币才是合法的货币。意思是,在法律规定下,卖方必须接受通过它们完成支付行为。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =The taxi driver must accept coins or bills as payment for a taxi ride.
点击显示原文 =出租车司机必须接受用硬币或者纸币来支付打的的费用, -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =OK?
点击显示原文 =对吧? -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =But in the U.S., the taxi driver is not required to accept vegetables in exchange for a ride.
点击显示原文 =但是在美国并没有要求出租车司机接受用蔬菜交换行程的支付方式。 -
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显示译文 -显示原文 =So a narrower definition of money might be whatever is legal tender in a society, whatever has to be accepted as payment.
点击显示原文 =所以,货币的狭义定义是指,在社会中,只要是合法的,能被接受的物品都能称之为货币。