



例题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should assign homework for students every day.

这是机经上的一道题目,问是否同意“老师应该每天都给学生留作业”。这一题我们可以从every day着手,选择不同意的态度,首先让步——承认老师应该留作业,然后再转折——但是如果每门学科每天都留作业的话,对于学生而言负担太重,进而会造成一系列不好的影响。在初见这道题时,大多数同学都能想到上述的解题思路。可是在真正写作的过程中却有不少学生出现了“偷换概念”的情况:

开头段:I understand that the teachers need to assign homework. But now, teachers are giving too much homework. Every day, teenagers like us carry home loads of homework. It’s too much, that when we put it down, it almost can pile into an enormous book mountain. I think that some homework can be good for students themselves, but too much is not very efficient to kids.


结尾段:At last, I suppose that giving kids an amount of homework is a good way to do, but giving them too much homework is very stressful. We all need nice rests, so the teachers need to give the students some breaks. The teachers need to handle both studying and resting very well.


assign homework every day→a large amount of homework→stressful for students


开头段:I understand that the teachers need to assign homework. But now, teachers of all subjects are giving homework every day which seems too much for students to finish in one or two hours. Teenagers like us carry home loads of homework. When we put it down, it almost piles into an enormous book mountain. I think that some homework can be good for students themselves, but leaving homework every day will definitely lead to a heavy burden for students as too much assignment is not conducive to kids.


结尾段:At last, I suppose that giving kids a certain amount of homework is good, but giving them homework every day will make them stressful because that will uplift the total amount of students’ daily assignment. We all need nice rests, so the teachers need to give the students some breaks.
